The Reportage

India’s cumulative vaccination coverage exceeds 9.43 cr

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India's cumulative vaccination coverage exceeds 9.43 crNew Delhi: The cumulative number of COVID19 vaccine doses administered in the country has crossed 9.43 Cr on Friday.

Cumulatively, 9,43,34,262 vaccine doses have been administered through 14,28,500 sessions, as per the provisional report till 7 am today. These include 89,74,511 HCWs who have taken the 1st dose and 54,49,151 HCWs who have taken the 2nd dose, 98,10,164 FLWs (1stdose), 45,43,954 FLWs (2nddose), 3,75,68,0331st dose beneficiaries and 13,61,3672nd dose beneficiaries more than 60 years old and 2,61,03,814(1st dose) and 5,23,268(2nd dose) beneficiaries aged 45 to 60.

Eight states account for 60% of the total doses given so far in the country.

Over 36 lakh vaccination doses were administered in the last 24 hours.

As on Day-83 of the vaccination drive (8th April, 2021), 36,91,511 vaccine doses were given. Out of which, 32,85,004 beneficiaries were vaccinated across 49,416 sessions for 1st dose and 4,06,507 beneficiaries received 2nd dose of the vaccine.

In terms of the number of daily doses administered globally, India continues to remain at the top with an average of 37,94,328 doses administered per day.

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